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Our Cases

Here you will find examples of the projects and cases VISION PILOT has developed, facilitated and completed. Either independent projects or cooperations with different customers and collaborators from all over the world

Entrepreneurship Festival in Gellerup

Project for Entrepreneur Cluster Gellerup


With a dedication to strengthening Gellerup's entrepreneurial community and highlighting the over 100 entrepreneurs who call the area home, we created an event that brought positive attention to the cause. We transformed a nearly empty shopping center into an entrepreneurial hub with talks, workshops, exhibitors and more, where entrepreneurs from all corners gathered for a day of knowledge, development and networking.



See more at:


See talks here:

Skills competetion Aarhus
Aarhus Skills fair


Project for Municipality of Aarhus


AarhusSkills showcases the many vocational education options available to the youth of Aarhus.

Students and teachers from 7th-10th grade can learn more about their educational options, meet students, counselors and teachers from vocational schools and try relevant activities. Additionally, a competition is held for 8th graders, where they compete in vocationally themed challenges. Six winning teams from AarhusSkills get invited to participate in the Danish Championship in vocational skills.

JOB BootCamp

Project for Jobcenter Aarhus


The municipality of Aarhus hired VISION PILOT to coordinate, develop, manage the project and implement their new initiative, with the purpose of decreasing the amount of unemployed academic degree graduates. The final concept ended up being 5 days focusing on knowledge, networking and job opportunities.

JOB BootCamp Kick-Off
JOB BootCamp JobDating
Nuance presentation Randers Realskole
Nuance Street event


Project for 'Partnerskabet Alliancen'


#NUance is a movement for a healthy critical environment that promotes understanding, learning and new perspectives. The debate on the internet is dominated by a small, but vocal majority with radical viewpoints, making social media a very polarizing place where conflicts are escalated and reality is sidelined. VISION PILOT suggested a more nuanced and

fact-based dialogue and debate. That is why this project was developed to help the danish society in the direction of critical thinking along with nuanced dialogue and narratives. In connection with this project VISION PILOT visited a school called Randers Realskole to make a presentation about #Nuance. Over 200 students attended this presentation, that included talks from young people of other ethnicities than danish.

Educational Material

Project for the Danish Ministry of Education


VISION PILOT developed material to educate about critical thinking when it comes to media, especially when it is regarding integration, fallacies and introspection in relation to own opinions and reasoning. The material is freely accessible on the website of the Danish Ministry of Education. Additionally, VISION PILOT organised an Opinion-Café for the Danish Ministry of Education, focusing on critical debate and opinions/viewpoint. Participants were to analyse whether their opinions were based in critical thinking or feelings and personal values as well as reflect on whether their own arguments contained fallacies.

VisionsSalon for the Ministry of Education
Location for VisionsSalon

Entrepreneur-dating in Kiel


Project with Cluster of Entrepreneurs in Gellerup


In September VISION PILOT of 2022 went to the city of Kiel to meet other entrepreneurs and potentially create lasting partnerships. The agenda for the Kiel visit was fully booked by meetings and “guided tours” of the City. The Danish entrepreneurs visiting Kiel were given a tour of 4 different types of Entrepreneur collectives/offices. The biggest is located in a decommissioned Marine Hospital in the northern part of the city. A more exclusive workspace is established in a former printing press for the newspaper ‘Kieler Nachtrichten’. An old nightclub has been converted to a workspace, where the youngest and newest entrepreneurs reside. Last but not least, an old art school has been remade into a collective of entrepreneurs that now contribute to an entirely new part of the city.


AC Job-Fair (JOBBootCamp)

Project for Jobcenter Aarhus


For the third year in a row, Jobcenter Aarhus hired VISION PILOT as developer and project manager of JOB BootCamp - A project focusing on decreasing unemployment among new university graduates. The job fair was held on 14/10-2022 and about 35 companies and 2000 unemployed people had the chance to meet, converse and network. In addition to the job fair, VISION PILOT also facilitated a “CaseCafé” for the partnership attempting to rethink the problem of unemployment among newly graduated academics in Aarhus. In the “CaseCafé” 3 unemployed academics presented their own cases. The partnership brainstormed solutions to the cases presented and everyone involved left the event with new insight and ideas.

Crazy about Gellerup Kom-Sammen-Salon
Crazy about Gellerup SamskabelsesSalon

Wild about Gellerup

Project for Brabrand Boligforening


"Vild med Gellerup" was developed in cooperation with Square1 and the Community Committee of Gellerup with the purpose of reducing the amount of loneliness due to Covid-19. When restrictions made it difficult to meet indoors and since Gellerup has a lot of great outdoor initiatives, the project used these outdoor initiatives in a community-driven co-creation concept. At 4 different workshop people cooperated and developed new initiatives. VISION PILOT facilitated the workshops and more than 600 citizens of Gellerup visited the different events and gatherings. During this project new co-creation platforms were created in the community.



Project for the Municipality of Aarhus


The Employment Department of Aarhus wanted to test how to make better use of the connection between culture and employment, due to the fact that Aarhus was awarded the European Capital of Culture title in 2017.  


Artists, opera-singers, entertainers, entrepreneurs and unemployed people from 4 different cities in Europe (Aarhus, Lodz, Rotterdam and Hull) worked together on creating cooperative creative business ideas and crosspolination. VISION PILOT also put together a team of people with different backgrounds from Gellerup called "Kultur I Beton" (Concrete culture). This team developed a concept that would benefit from the cultures of socially disadvantaged residential areas. VISION PILOT developed and facilitated the process, planned and implemented innovative approaches.


The evaluation method HollyWoodge, the "Think-Say-Do-Book" has been selected by the

EU-Commission as an exemplary method.

Hollywoodge knowledgebazar
Hollywoodge knowledgebazar

Jobfair for Ukranians

Project for Jobcenter Aarhus


VISION PILOT contributed to the facilitation and development of a job fair for Ukrainians and other refugees, this was done in collaboration with Jobcenter Aarhus. This strengthened both the recruitment opportunities for Danish companies as well as the job opportunities for the refugees.


The job fair had between 500 to 600 visitors as well as 24 companies looking for employees. All parties were very satisfied. 


On top of this, a catalogue of the different companies was made by VISION PILOT. This catalogue was in English, Danish and Ukranian.

Cluster of entrepreneurs in Gellerup


Cluster of entrepreneurs in Gellerup is an umbrella organization, with the purpose of improving the entrepreneurial environment in Gellerup along with branding the area as a power-platform for entrepreneurs through projects, events and initiatives. The organization consists of 3 founding entrepreneurial collectives. (DenGodeBy, Kollektivbyen and SquareOne)


VISION PILOT helped establish the organization and is currently responsible for the secretariat


Workshops and Café's

VISION PILOT has developed and facilitated plenty of Workshops and Café's ranging from

Vision- and Co-Creation-Café's to Opinion-Café's.


Here you can have a closer look at a select few:


Municipality of Aarhus


Innovation since 2017

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